The Courant American Newspaper |
Cartersville, Georgia |
November 14, 1895, Page 1 |
Transcribed and submitted by: |
Death of Miss Julia Roberts. The sweet young life of Miss Julia Roberts came to a close on Friday night last. By her bedside for many months faithful relatives and kind friends have watched the ebbing away of her life, and in the calm and still night her happy spirit winged its flight to the Maker whom she loved and trusted. Her death has brought sadness to the entire community and to her grief-stricken sister and relatives a sorrow and deep bereavement. Her earthly life though brief was radiant with sunshine and joy for all around, and to know her was but to love her. In the household she brought gladness and cheer and impressed all with whom she came in contact by the sweet, gentle, loving nature and soft tenderness of heart which she so well possessed. Every one felt drawn to her by those qualities of mind and heart which she had and were indeed sympathetic, kind and truly Christian. She was a member of the Methodist church and of the Epworth League, and actively engaged in its blessed work whenever and wherever the spirit led. She did not say much in words, but through her cheerfulness and truthfulness she better spoke and shed an influence about her that was truly pure and good. Her loss is mourned deeply by her young friends and companions to whom she was always true and loved devotedly. They will miss their absent friend, and treasure those words which she uttered in the last hours of illness to those about her which were “Meet me in Heaven.” The deceased was an orphan and leaves an only sister who survives her, besides other relatives in this city and elsewhere. She was a niece of Mr. W. W. Roberts, clerk of the superior court of this county, and also of Mrs. Judge Foute, of Atlanta. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon and were conducted by the Pastor. Rev. W. F. Quillian and presiding elder, Rev. Mr. Pierce, assisted by Rev. E. D. McDougall of the Presbyterian church. Interment followed at Oak Hill cemetery. ***** November 21, 1895, Page 1: Memorial Service. [A long article about the Memorial service held for Julia Roberts—includes poem.] ***** November 28, 1895, Page 6: In Memoriam—Some papers read at Miss Jule Roberts Memorial Service at the Methodist Church [Resolutions of Respect by the Epworth League and Methodist Sunday School of Cartersville, a letter from an absent League Member and remarks by “Lollie” who states “We who loved her so dearly, to whom she was nearest, look at each other with a start sometimes and ask, ”Can it be possible Jule is dead?” Our bright happy little girl, the youngest of the five girls who had grown up together and hardly knew which was sister and which was cousin.” |
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