John Frost |
The Courant American |
Cartersville, Georgia |
January 31, 1889, Page 4 |
Transcribed by 2006 |
Executor’s Sale. Georgia – Bartow County By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold before the Court House door of said county at Cartersville, within the legal sale hours on the first Tuesday in March, 1889, the following property, to-wit: Ten acres of land off lot No. 58 in the 5th district and 3d section of Bartow county, bounded North by lands formerly owned by Wm. Headden, West by lands formerly owned by M. S. Browne, and South by lands of Pickens Lewis; also, the following parcel of land in lot number 58, in the 5th district and 3d section of Bartow county, being all of the cleared field (as in August, 1883) West of a North and South line, continued from terminus of line between land sold by Dr. M. S. Browne to Dr. Griffin and R. Dukes land, then all the woodland lying between the ten acres first above mentioned, and the lots sold by said Dr. M. S. Browne to Wm. Hamilton, Ben Conner and Elick Milner; said tracts of land being the lands owned and occupied by John Frost, colored, at the time of his death, as purchased from Dr. M. S. Browne, in 1881 and 1883. Sold as the property of the estate of said John Frost deceased, for the purpose of paying debts of said deceased and distribution. Terms cash. This 29th Jan. 1889. S. R. Phillips, Executor of John Frost, deceased. |
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