Mrs. Mary K. Everedge

The Free Press
Cartersville, Georgia
July 3, 1879, Page 3
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Obituary.  Mrs. MARY K. EVEREDGE died at the residence of her husband, Mr. William Everedge, near Stilesboro, Bartow county, Ga., at twenty minutes past twelve o’clock, on the 25th of June.  Mrs. Everidge was born in the state of North Carolina, on the 18th of August, 1826, but for the last twenty-five years of her life has resided in this state.  She was highly esteemed by her many friends for her womanly character and many Christian virtues.  She attached herself to the Baptist church at the age of twenty years, and has ever since adorned the blessed truth of Christian religion by a pious walk and godly conversation.  Liberal and kind to every one almost to a fault, and in her last dying moments gave strong and unmistakable evidences of her implicit confidence and faith in the saving efficacy of the blood of the blessed Redeemer, and claimed him as her resurrection and her life, and by the exercise of that faith in Jesus.  Though she is dead yet will she live.  Dear husband, children, sister and brother, weep not as those who have no hope, for your loss is her eternal gain.

J. C. S.

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