“Doings in Bartow--Kingston.”

The Courant American Newspaper
Cartersville, Georgia
September 29, 1898 Page 8:
Transcribed and submitted by: 

“Doings in Bartow--Kingston.”

Last week was a sad week for Kingston. On Thursday, September 23d, death claimed John Elliott, an old colored citizen, one of the oldest citizens; a very worthy man, and on Friday morning, September 23d (sic), Mrs. J. J. Randall, after great suffering for two years, passed over the river and was interred in Kingston cemetery at 4 p. m., September 24th. Rev. J. J. Ansley, her pastor, preached her funeral at the Methodist church. A large congregation were present. She was conscious to the last moment, and bid husband, children, some relatives and friends that were present goodbye, calling each one by name. She died the death of the righteous. She leaves a husband and several children and several brothers and sisters to mourn her loss. Sunday morning at 8 a.m., Will Roper, a colored man, well and favorably known by all of our citizens as a kind hearted accommodating man. Whenever you wanted a favor you could call for Bill Roper and if in his power you would be accommodated.


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